Archive for Awards

Wicked Wednesday

Yesterday was a good day. I got 3k done on Borderline and got some ideas for the book I have to work on next.

Also, I found out I was nominated for two awards in the Love Romance Cafe awards. Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Romance with Soothe the Burn, and Best Book Overall with Bastet. I guess I’m always amazed when people like my books so much, they nominate them for awards…lol. 🙂

Well, back to work. Have a great day, everyone.

Samhain’s Annual Readers Choice Awards…

So on Sunday, Samhain gave out their annual Sammie awards for 2009. They’re awards given out by the readers choosing which books they liked in 2009. I’m happy to say I placed. Here’s what I got:

Readers Favorite Hero in an Ebook 2009

3. Josh Bauer Ryan Kellar Tabloid Star – T. A. Chase

5. CJ Lamont Garrett Johnson High Line-T.A. Chase

Readers Favorite Cover Art Ebook

4. High Line-T. A. Chase/ cover artist –Anne Cain

5. Tabloid Star-T. A. Chase/ cover artist-Anne Cain

Readers Choice Favorite Ebook 2009

4. Tabloid Star-T. A. Chase

5. High Line-T. A. Chase

Readers Favorite Hero in Print book 2009

2. Kasey Johnson Ingram Fletcher /CJ Lamont Garrett Johnson Playing the Game-T. A. Chase

Readers Favorite Cover Art Print book 2009

5. Playing the Game-T. A. Chase/ cover artist-Anne Cain

Readers Choice Favorite Print book 2009

Honorable Mention-Playing the Game by T. A. Chase

I’d show you all the cool graphics I got to go along with them, but I thought the eye candy would be more interesting…lol. I’m humbled that everyone liked all my guys and stories that much. 🙂

Well, I’m mostly done with Revealing the Past. I’ll probably end up adding more to it, but for now..I’m going to let it sit and I’ll work on Not Seeing is Believing to get that one finished. Then it’s on to some other stories. 🙂 No rest for the wicked, huh?

I hope you all have a great Wednesday.

Wednesday at last…

On Sunday, Samhain gave out their first annual Sammie awards. It was an ambitious challenge because they went all the way back to 2006 when they opened to find out the top ten bestsellers and reader’s choices from each year, plus best cover art. I’m sure any of you who took their survey know what I’m talking about…lol.

I’m proud to say that Out of Bounds tied for 4th place in the 2008 Reader’s Choice catagory. 🙂 I tied with some pretty awesome authors, Lorelei James, Maya Banks, and Lauren Dane. Thank you all for voting and if you voted for me, double thanks. 😀

More good news, I just signed the contract for Liquid Silver to publish Death or Life…which means Mars’s Assassin has moved up on my writing schedule. I’ll be adding additional scenes to DoL. I don’t have a release date yet, though it will be out this year…lol.

This gives me six books contracted to come out so far this year. Woo-hoo! And I’m only in January. I still have several months to go to get more released this year. I have another book in with one of my editors. Who knows? That one might be my seventh.

I’m at 41k on Nick of Time and things are really flowing with that story. Plus I did a little work on His Heart’s Home and Bound by Trust (JT’s story…Tyler’s brother) Those two are lined up to be worked on as soon as Nick is done.

It’s snowing here. I hope everyone who is in the midst of the big snowstorm is safe and warm. 🙂 Have a great Wednesday.

Finally Friday.

This weekend if you don’t have anything to do, stop by the Samhain Cafe and check out the first annual Sammie awards. It’ll be fun. There will be prizes and excerpts from all your favorite Samhain authors. 🙂

I can tell you one piece of good news…lol. Samhain is putting the first two books in my Love of Sports series together in one print book. Out of Bounds has been out since last April and High Line comes out Feb. 17th. The print book will be titled Playing the Game and should have a new cover combining aspects of both stories. It’ll be out Winter of 2009. That’s as specific as I can get right now. As soon as I give more details I will.

Oh, I have a new interview out right now at Joyfully Reviewed. Check it out. I had a lot of fun doing it. 🙂 I’m doing another interview with Wave in February (whose blog isn’t always safe for and then in April, I’ll be at DIK with the ladies for a couple of days. So not only will you be getting a new book from me each month through May (at least), you’ll be getting interviews galore. 🙂

Writing is going well. I’m still plugging away at Nick of Time, though I admit yesterday, I took a break from their story to work on a story that’s be haunting me for over a year or so. I don’t want to say much about it yet, since I just started it and probably won’t be working on it for long before Nick and Gryphon push those characters to the back of the line But while they’re talking, I want to get their stories down. It’s going to be a very emotional and touching story (at least I hope it will be) and have a mixture of historical and contemporary elements.

Hey, have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend. 🙂

You Love My Blog and a New Cover

I received this award from three people. All of whom are wonderful and I’m honored that they all love my blog so much, they gave me an award for it. 🙂 Sloane Taylor, Jambrea Jo Jones and Vivian Arend are awesome writers in their own right. Sloane has several books out already. Jambrea’s first (but definitely not last) book will be out Dec. 9th and Vivian’s debut book comes out in March (maybe…I’ll get back with the definite release date soon…lol)

I know I’m supposed to do at least seven blogs that I would award this to, but at the moment, my brain is completely fried and I’m not coming up with anything, even though there are ones I check often. Sorry, maybe if I can think of some later on, I’ll list

Second item of interest is I’ve got a cover for High Line. And it’s beautiful. 🙂 Anne Cain did another marvelous job on it. I think she really got Garrett and CJ down. Check it out.

Hope you all have a great weekend. I’ll be writing my fingers to the bone to get some stories done. 🙂

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, everyone. I hope you all had a safe and fun New Year’s Eve. I had a nice night. Friends came over and we hung out. 🙂

Wow…a brand new year and so much to look forward to. I’m sure it’ll be just as exciting as this past year was.

Got another nomination. This is for Three and is from Love Romances Cafe for Best Anthology of 2007. You have to be a member to vote, but voting opens today.

Love Romances Cafe
Here’s the link for that.

If you’re a member and feel so inclined, I’d appreciate the vote. Also, voting for the CAPAs opens tomorrow at The Romance Studio. Angel’s Evolution is up for Best Historical Erotic Romance.

CAPAs at The Romance Studio Here’s the link for that as well.

I know a lot of you are stopping by to see what new blog story I’ll be starting for you today. Well, I’ve decided to take a break from blog stories…just for the month. I need to focus on some of the stories I have started and really need to finish. Don’t worry. The blog story will be back in February. I hope you still keep checking in with me. I do plan on still posting stuff. Not sure what, but I’ll come up with something. 🙂

Thank you all for making my blog a daily stop for you. I hope you’ll continue to allow me and my stories into your life.


Every year The Romance Studio presents the Cupid and Psyche Awards for excellence in romantic and erotic fiction. And this year, Angel’s Evolution was nominated in the Historical Erotic Romance category.

Hope you all have a great day.

Wednesday Update…

So Rhian awarded me a Rockin’ Guy Blogger award. (As you can tell, it was originally a Rockin Girl Blogger, but she didn’t want to leave half of us out…lol) I’ve been posting some song lyrics the past couple of Mondays for the Poetry Train. They’re really poems that I’m using as songs in one of my WIPs, His Heart’s Home. One of the heroes, Derek St. Martin, is a country music star. He writes his own songs, so I thought it would be neat to include some in the story. I hope they help tell their story as well.

Thank you so much, Rhian. Now do I have to award someone else with this? Or five someone elses? lol

Also, I’ve gotten another review for Stealing Life. Bella of TwoLipsReviews gave SL four kisses and had this to say:

T.A. Chase wrote a compelling story with many surprising plot twists that will hold your interest. If you enjoy m/m romances Stealing Life is a great addition to your library.”

Click here for the rest of the review. Thank you, Bella for another great review. 🙂

Getting closer to finishing the re-write on Out of Bounds to re-submit to Samhain. Hopefully by the end of the week. But by focusing on this story, it pushes my deadline for finishing Tony’s story back a little. I’m hoping to send Home of His Own to my cps no later than the middle of July. So a little bit of good and bad news.

Hope everyone has a great day. 🙂