Busy Friday…

Hey everyone,
Today is going to be a busy day for me, so I didn’t have time to find a book to pimp. Sorry about that.
But I thought I’d post a nice pic for you all instead. 🙂
And to just let you know, I plan on putting the blinders on this weekend. I’m focusing on Tony’s story (Home of his Own) to the exculsion of all my other stories. I’m going to see how far I can get by next Wednesday’s WiPs update. Hopefully, it’ll be at least another 10k added.
Have a great Friday.

6 Responses “Busy Friday…”

  1. julia says:

    That is some picture! Sounds like you’re doing well on your WIP. Go, T.A., go!

  2. Gina, Book Dragon says:

    ahem, forgot to say: Twincest? SIZZLING!

    I saw a lot of different pictures last night but those like this one are the best, it’s got to be about the connection & the love.

  3. Gina, Book Dragon says:

    I posted this morning before I headed off for bed but didn’t publish after I previewed 🙁

    I was clicking links all over the place last night and came across this picture. When I saw it here, I thought ‘Great minds’. I posted twins on my blog too, just not these.

    Have a wonderful weekend. “See” you Monday.

  4. Yvonne says:

    TA-you are making me CRAZY!! with pixs like this. Please tell me this is a pix of you and your twin;)
    Good luck with the weekend. I will be surviving the Potter mania at Borders but relaxing(ha!) at the Otokan amine convention.
    See ya next week.

  5. T.A.Chase says:

    Have a great vacation, Loopy. 🙂 Hopefully the installments will be good…lol. I’m doing some work on Home of his Own right now during lunch.

    Nice pic, isn’t it?

  6. loopdlu says:

    wooooooooot, another hot pic! thanks! now…shoo…go work on tony.;) have a wonderful weekend. i’m off on vaca to the DR…see you in a week! leave me great installments of the vanguard to catch up on!

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